Punta Banco

Near the border to Panama, 28 kilometers south of Golfito on the southeastern bridgehead of the Golfo Dulce, is a 100-hectare area of virgin rain forest rich with rivers and waterfalls. It is the private Punta Banco Biological Preserve, which began as a test farm for tropical fruit. The preserve contains the greatest variety of tropical fruit in Costa Rica. The always-colorful and exotic-smelling fruit gardens attract not only tourists, but parrots and toucans as well, which are easier to observe in the garden than in their native jungle.

In addition, there are tidal pools full of salt-water animals. The Tiskita Lodge is in the heart of the Punta Banco. It has 20 beds, a rustic dining room and a small library. A solar energy and hydroelectric power plant which belongs to the lodge ensures that it is always well supplied with energy.

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