
A population of around 10,000 makes Dangriga, in the Stann Creek District, the largest town in Southern Belize. Dangriga is home to the garifuna (ga-RIF-una), a unique cultural and ethnic group, decedents of shipwrecked slaves and native Caribs. The Garifuna have adopted the Carib language but have kept their African musical and religious traditions. Dangriga is becoming increasingly popular as destination to see and experience Garifuna life. It is also where the Caribbean music, Punta Rock, originated and where some of Belize's best folk bands can be found. There is an active nightlife, where local bands can often be heard as well as a a number of small restaurants to sample Garifuna fare. Easiest way to know Dangriga is to visit them during Settlement Days. The town explodes with dancing, drinking, colorful costumes and the celebration of Garifuna heritage. Experience all night drumming and a pre-dawn hour re-enactment of their arrival to Belize. Nov 16-19.
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