Central Sweden

The region between Stockholm and Sundsvall is generally known as Central Sweden. Geographically speaking, that designation is also plausible; although historically speaking, Uppland and Dalarna still belong to the Svear Empire. Gastrikland, Halsingland, and Harjedalen are already parts of Norrland (North Land), as these seemingly endless vast open spaces beyond the Gavle-Mora axis have been called since the Middle Ages.

The countryside between Uppsala and Sundsvall in the east and the Norwegian border to the west is densely wooded. Agriculture is only possible in the river valleys and on some of the plains, otherwise, cattle raising dominates; this formerly consisting mainly of dairy farms. The farther north and west you go, the higher the mountains are. These range from only 200 meters in southern Gastrikland to almost 1,800 meters in northern Harjedalen.

The larger towns are concentrated on the Baltic Sea coast and around Lake Siljan, the geographical as well as historic center of Dalarna. Economically, the south is marked by mining and the metal industries, while the north profits from its extensive forests.

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