
Often referred to as Embu das Artes,, with culture-packed handicraft markets and extraordinary museums, the metropolitan city of Embu is known throughout Brazil for its fine displays of arts and handicrafts.

The streets of this city are lined with vendors selling everything from pots, to paintings, to puppets. During the weekends, be sure to check out the Open Arts Fair, located in the center of the city. You will find an astounding array of arts and crafts here, as well as colorful plants and traditional food.

There are also several fascinating museums in the town of Embu, but two stand out especially. The Museum of Sacred Arts was constructed during the seventeenth century, and is home to a number relics and artifacts from past centuries, as well as priceless statues and paintings.

The Indian Museum offers a unique, in-depth look into the culture and lifestyles of ancient Brazilian Indians. You will also enjoy visiting Lago Francisco Rizzo, which is the largest park in the city and home to a stunning lake, beautiful flora, and tons of area for children to play.

Several traditional luxury hotels and resorts can be found in Embu, since it has become so popular among tourists. Authentic restaurants are plentiful as well, such as O Garimpo, Empario Sao Pedro, and Tutu’s Restaurante.

It’s near impossible to visit this vibrant, artistic town and not come home without a souvenir or two. You will love indulging yourself in the art and culture of Embu das Artes.

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